Why the world needs highly sensitive leaders

The highly sensitive trait is essential for improving leadership

The highly sensitive trait is essential for improving leadership

1 in 5 people shares the naturally-occurring temperament trait of ‘high sensitivity’. Personal development coach Nina Khoo explains why we should embrace this fact to transform the leadership of business.

Between 15-20% of people are classed as ‘highly sensitive’. This figure has existed throughout time and has been found to be consistent in more than 100 different animal species. Evolutionary scientists conclude this is because the highly sensitive among us keep the rest of the population safe. In other words, they are essential for the survival of our species.

There are four key characteristics which make someone highly sensitive, easily remembered via the acronym DOES:

D – Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) process things deeply, think a lot, relating their thoughts to things that happened in the past and may happen in the future

O – this depth of processing and busy brain can sometimes become Overstimulating and Overwhelming 

E – HSPs have highly responsive nervous systems which means they genuinely feel things (good and bad) more than others – they have Emotional Intensity. HSPs also have an amazing capacity for Empathy and often know what someone else is thinking or feeling

S – HSPs notice small things that others miss. This Sensitivity to Subtleties is enhanced by their ability to relate things to the big picture.

It’s easy to imagine the highly sensitive cave-dweller using their heightened perceptions, noticing the rustle in the undergrowth & alerting the hunters to go out and slay the approaching sabre-toothed tiger. 

Evolutionary scientists say the highly sensitive among us keep the rest of the population safe. In other words, they are essential for the survival of our species.

Thankfully predators in the form of man-eating, wild animals are rare today, especially in the western world.

It’s undeniable though that our planet is in a fragile state. The effects of climate change are evident in the intense weather patterns we’re already experiencing around the globe and the increasing loss of our animal and plant species. We need to act now, before we damage our environment irreparably and leave our children and their children with a world that can no longer sustain them.

Nina Khoo explains how harness high sensitivity could improve leadership…and the world

Nina Khoo explains how harness high sensitivity could improve leadership…and the world

This is why we need more highly sensitive people in positions of leadership. Those innate traits that predispose them to think deeply, be empathic, see the things that others miss and relate them to the big picture, are desperately needed in all walks of life. This is how they can fulfil their evolutionary purpose to ensure the safety of the human & other species in our modern day. 

Rather than seeing the highly sensitive trait as a problem to be overcome, we need to recognise the important role HSPs play in our society and support them in stepping into roles of leadership. 

Before I realised that I am highly sensitive, I thought there was something wrong with me. I didn’t know why I noticed things that others didn’t and always sensed I was different from others. Overwhelm was a frequent challenge and I struggled to organise my busy brain. 

Over the years, I’ve combined my coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming skills with extensive research into the trait, to develop a model which I call ‘The ABC of High Sensitivity’. By living according to the principles of the model and using powerful energy management tools, I’ve come to see my highly sensitive nature as an amazing gift. I’m now passionate about supporting other HS women to embrace their trait and step into positions of leadership so they can fulfil their vision and purpose. 

An invitation
If you’re a highly sensitive woman and creative visionary who wants to make a difference in the world – whether that’s through your role at work or in the home, in your local community or globally, you may want to join me and other sensitive female visionaries on our ‘Lead from Within Retreat’, 25-28th April 2019 at the Bailiffscourt Hotel & Spa, Climping, West Sussex. It’s going to be a weekend of blissful nurturing & transformation, where you will:

  • Learn how to tap into, trust and act on your deep inner wisdom

  • Fully recognise your strengths & value as a sensitive leader

  • Practice powerful techniques to gain clarity on actionable next steps

  • Connect with other like-minded women

  • Have time to rest and replenish, and be pampered in the award-winning Spa

For further details on the Lead from Within Retreat: https://annainspires.lpages.co/lead-from-within-retreat/

To find out more about the highly sensitive trait & ‘The ABC of High Sensitivity’, visit my website: www.ninakhoo.com

My FB page: @ninakhoocoaching

Linked In: linkedin.com/in/nina-khoo-coachingforhswomen

Please contact me on info@ninakhoo.com with any questions on high sensitivity, coaching or if you’re interested in joining the Retreat. 

Let’s get more highly sensitive women into leadership positions, so we can leave the world a better place for our children!