Are you a photographer living in or near Winchester?


One of the things I love most about the world of blogging and social media is that from the comfort of your own home you are able to explore gallery upon gallery of amazing photographs and art. It is something I do most days, partly because of my love for photography but also because I am always looking for inspiration and blogging challenges for my own personal blogs. It is incredible what is out there.

Since I became a Winchester Heritage Open Days (HODs) volunteer I have become aware there are many talented photographers here in my own city. One of the most recent I have come across is Paul Hynd, and in fact it was on this website that I first discovered his work! Learning that there are so many great local photographers has made me appreciate just how much of a creative haven Winchester is. Which is all rather exciting!

Winchester Heritage Open Days 2017 programme cover

Winchester Heritage Open Days 2017 programme cover

For the past two years we have been blessed with the talent of the wonderful Mike Hall, and it has been his fabulous photographs of the doors of Winchester Cathedral and the stained glass window in the Barter Memorial Chapel that have graced the covers of the 2016 and 2017 programmes. For next year's cover Mike and our lead coordinator – Nicky Gottlieb - thought it would be rather special if the photograph was one taken by a visitor to a Heritage Open Day event rather than a member of our HODs team. And we decided the best way to find the photograph was to set up a competition, and we are delighted that Winchester Bloggers are helping us to promote it.

Take part in Winchester Heritage Open Days photo competition! 

  • The winning entry will appear on next year's programme and the winning photographer will receives a £50 voucher.
  • The competition is open to visitors and residents of Winchester in the UK.
  • Multiple entries are allowed.
  • The photograph(s) must be taken between 1st July 2017 and 11th September 2017.
  • Each photograph can be of any subject provided it’s related to one of this year's venues or activity in question (for example, if it’s to do with historic buses, it can be of the conductor, not just a bus).
  • Every photograph needs to be of high resolution/picture quality, eg at least 1MB. They cannot be larger than 5MB.
  • The winning entry will be chosen by Winchester Heritage Open Day judges as the most original and visually appealing for the programme cover. 
  • For full details of the competition terms and conditions and to enter your photograph(s) visit Winchester Heritage Open Days website. 

I don't know about you but I can't wait to see what might appear on the 2018 Heritage Open Days cover. 

What a fantastic opportunity for all you Winchester photographers. Head over to the Winchester Heritage Open Days website to decide which events you will attend and photograph.