Healthy Granola Snack Bars from Baked by Lexi

Baked by Lexi shares a new recipe with us. Using dates as a natural sweetener, these Granola Snack Bars are a 'must make'.

To me, this is the perfect pick-me-up snack. It’s healthy, nutritious and delicious. And no need to worry about feeling guilty, either. Butter? There is no butter in sight!

This is a take on your traditional granola bar; a traditional family favourite, just with a twist. 

Deliciously Ella

And the twist is dates (the world’s natural sweetener). Before reading Deliciously Ella’s recipe books, I didn’t often use dates in baking. As a family, we’ve always made date slices as a treat but that’s about all which involved dates. It’s only been in the last couple of years I’ve really started using, and experimenting with them. See my healthy energy balls recipe, using dates, here!

And why? They are a great alternative to refined sugar. See here for more information about dates, and how they can benefit you.

Bowl of dates

Refined sugar free recipe below:


• 200-250g dates
• 1.5 tbsp nut butter
• 1.5 tbsp honey
• 300g oats
• 1 cup dried fruit
• ½ cup chopped nuts (add more depending on how much you prefer!)
• 2 tsp cinnamon
• 1 tbsp chia seeds (or pumpkin)
• Pinch sea salt


• Set your oven to 160c. Line 2 trays with baking paper, and place the oats onto one and the nuts onto the other. Put in the oven for 8-12 minutes. Keep an eye on both, as you don’t want either to burn! 

• In the meantime, add the dates into a saucepan and add some boiling water. Put onto the hob and keep stirring, you will notice they will go quite mushy. You will be after a mushy consistency, with as little lumps and bumps as possible. Keep adding little splashes of water if necessary. (I never measure the amount of water, just keep adding more if you need). Set aside. 

• Next, add the nut butter and honey into a separate saucepan. Heat gently and stir together until all combined. Take off the heat and stir into the date mixture. 

• Take the oats and nuts from the oven and tip into a mixing bowl. Add the dried fruit, salt, chia seeds and cinnamon. Stir together, before adding the date mixture. Stir well, until all of the ingredients are combined together.

• Turn the oven temperature up to 180 oC. 

• Line you baking tray with baking paper and add the mix. Push down the mix into the tray with the back of a spoon or fork. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. 

• Remove the tray bake from the oven once it has browned slightly. Leave to completely cool before slicing into squares!

Enjoy X

Love the sound of this? Want to find out more about Baked by Lexi? Head over to her Instagram for more great recipes or visit her website.